Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ryan O’Neal Talks About Troubled Son

It might be a familiar sad scene for actor Ryan O’Neal, in which he witnessed his son Redmond O’Neal stood over before the judge of Redmond’s latest drug possession law. The latest trial of O’Neal junior, however, was a bit different; the 26-year-old troubled guy has to face both physical penalty and psychological burden.

Ryan O’Neal told People magazine that Redmond has never recovered from the loss of his mother. Redmond O’Neal’s mother Farrah Fawcett passed away in 2009, leaving him in desperation. On the latest trial, Redmond pleaded not guilty for being a felon in handgun possession and heroin possession. Ryan O’Neal’s daughter, however, added that Redmond is an addict that will be using the drug again.

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